UNROUTE / Unroutes selected wires from selected segments.ĪSSIGN VIRTUAL PARTS / Assigns virtual parts.ĬONVERT ASSEMBLY CONSTRAINTS / Converts assembly constraints. RECONNECT WIRE PINS / Reconnects wire pins. ROUTE / Routes cables and wires manually.
REVIEW HARNESS DATA / Reviews harness data. REPORT / Process reports for the active harness assembly. PLACE PIN GROUP / Automatically places multiple pins with the specified naming, configuration, and orientation on a part. PLACE PIN / Places a pin.* PD PROPERTY DISPLAY / Displays properties for the selected objects. PIVOT / Fixes segment points so you can drag the selected segment relative to that fixed point.* NAILBOARD / Specifies the harness assembly and setup to create or edit a nailboard view. IMPORT HARNESS DATA / Imports harness data.ĬABLE & HARNESS LIBRARY / Adds new library definitions, and modifies, copies, and deletes existing library definitions for harness objects such as wires, cables, raw ribbon cables, and virtual parts. HARNESS PROPERTIES / Custom properties of harness components. HARNESS DIMENSION / Adds a driven, aligned dimension between 2 points. PLACE CONNECTOR VIEWS / Places connector views.ĬREATE WIRE / Creates a wire between selected pins within a harness assembly.ĮXPORT HARNESS DATA / Exports harness data.įAN IN / Collapses wire stubs on top of one another to reduce the detail or clutter in nailboard documentation.įAN OUT / Equally distributes wire stubs about the endpoint of a segment using the specified angle and sorting direction.ĬREATE HARNESS / Adds the harness subassembly to an assembly file with the specified name and location, and displays the Cable and Harness tab. WS WELDING SYMBOL / Provides annotation and acts as a grouping mechanism by referencing multiple beads with a single welding symbol.ĪUTOMATIC ROUTE / Automatically routes one or more selected wires into segments based on the shortest path through the network and the segment opening that is closest to the wire start and endpoints.ĬHECK BEND RADIUS / Checks for bends that do not meet the specified minimum bend radius on segments, and routed and unrouted wires and cables in the active harness assembly.īROKEN SKETCH ENTITY / Sets the start point and endpoint for the length to remove from the cable, wire, or segment.ĬONNECTOR AUTHORING / Adds Cable and Harness-specific data to complete the definition of connectors for use in Cable and Harness.ĬREATE CABLE / Creates a cable containing multiple wires that are connected or terminated to selected pins within a harness assembly.ĬREATE RIBBON CABLE / Creates a ribbon cable between a start and end connector.ĬREATE SEGMENT / Creates a harness segment. TEXT / Activates the text tool in a drawing file. SYMBOLS / Adds sketched symbols to a drawing sheet. SURFACE TEXTURE SYMBOL / Adds a surface texture symbol. REVISION TABLE / Creates a revision table. REVISION TAG / Adds revision tags to a drawing. LEADER TEXT / Adds notes with leader lines to a drawing. HOLE TABLE-VIEW / Adds a hole table to a view. HOLE TABLE-SELECTION / Selects recovered punch centers individually. HOLE TABLE-FEATURES / Selects feature set (all punch center instances from a single feature). UTO BALLOON / Creates one or more item balloons used to identify components in drawing views.ĬATERPILLAR / Adds a weld caterpillar annotation.ĬENTERLINE BISECTOR / Adds a centerline bisector.ĭATUM IDENTIFIER SYMBOL / Adds a datum identifier symbol.ĮND FILL / Adds a weld end fill annotation in a drawing view or on a 3D weld bead to represent the hatched or filled region indicating the end of a weld bead.įEATURE CONTROL FRAME / Places a feature control frame in drawing files.įEATURE IDENTIFIER SYMBOL / Adds a feature identifier symbol. ZOOM WINDOW / Zooms to the area you define with a window. ZOOM ALL / Zooms to the extents of all objects in the graphics window. SKETCH VISIBILITY / Makes sketches visible. HOME VIEW / Rotates objects in the graphics window into an isometric orientation. PREVIOUS VIEW / Returns to the last display. ROTATE / Rotates objects in the graphics window. ZOOM SELECTED / Realtime zoom in and out of the graphics window. PAN / Views areas of the graphics window.
ZOOM SELECTED / Zooms in on a specifically selected item. STEERING WHEELS / Displays the Steering Wheel view tool. IMATE GLYPH / Activates the iMate Glyph tool. ORIGIN AXES VISIBILITY / Makes the default origin axes visible.ĭEGREES OF FREEDOM / Displays degrees of freedom. ORIGIN PLANE VISIBILITY / Makes the default origin planes visible. ORIGIN POINTS VISIBILITY / Makes the default origin points visible. USER WORK AXES VISIBILITY / Makes work axes visible. USER WORK PLANE VISIBILITY / Makes work planes visible. USER WORK POINTS VISIBILITY / Makes work points visible.